Saturday, September 16, 2006

Two variations on the Split Rail Fence, the blue is my newest one of that type. I made it to match my new livingroom color, oh about 3 years ago, but it ended up on a quilt rack in my now blue bedroom. It's just the right size for the foot of the bed in winter to pull up over if it's really cold.

My friend and fellow quilter Arlene and I call the border "piano keys" for lack of a better word. I got the idea for this quilt from a magazine, they used it as a table cloth on a round table which I could do at some point. Perhaps when I make a real quilt for my own bed!

Split rail fence again, this one I did years and years ago. One dismal day in winter I felt the urge for quilting so went into the small stash in my basement storage area and pulled out bags of scraps I had bought when we lived in Mass. (Mind you we've been in Maine 25 years now, so I kept those scraps for a long time) This is what I came up with and I loved it. My daughter Spring took it to college one year but I stole it back when she graduated and it is now the extra quilt in my rose guest room.


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